

An unconventional crisis requires an unconventional solution

IISO Media & Communication

Paul Iske and Hubert Saint Onge Worldwide, financial and economic experts struggle to make sense of the credit crisis and the resulting economic recession and to find meaningful solutions. Everyone agrees that the situation  contains unprecedented aspects, so that applications of lessons from the past do not guarantee  success. We will need a paradigm shift to sort this out .As Einsten said: “We need new ways of thinking to solve problems caused by the old ways of thinking.”  It seems naïve to believe that the answers to the current challenges can be found exclusively within traditional disciplines dealing with finance and economics .Let’s face it: the conventional experts didn’t predict the crisis to the full extent and for sure they didn’t stop it from happening! Therefore, we need ‘new combinations’, in other words the involvement of other areas of expertise .We propose to leverage the creativity and the paradigm shifts that can be produced when we bring different disciplines into collaborative thinking where combination of the knowledge of many from different perspectives will result insignificant new insights and results. [Download the attachement to read the full article] Download attachments  
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Stop creating problems

IISO Media & Communication

Recently I turned fifty. A friend of mine tried to comfort me by saying, "Paul, you're older than you've ever been, but younger than you'll ever be!" His attempt to comfort me, gave a new meaning to a project in which I am involved, called 'Active Ageing'. The purpose of the project is to enable people to maintain control over their lives as long as possible. In order to do so, you could create an environment for them which offers technical, social, financial and other products and services which contribute to as well as extend their independence. The type of companies that can contribute to this concept, can be found in many different sectors such as food, telecoms, banking and insurance, tourism, transport, and the housing sector. When these companies collaborate across their internal borders, that provides wonderful new opportunities to come up with innovative solutions that benefit the elderly. There is a lot of money to be made for companies willing to see what role they can play in increasing the independence and enhancing the quality of life of this growing population.
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