

The world is changing ever faster, typically under the influence of the digital revolution. From a very early age child come into contact wit hit. We are convinced that the invention of the iPad Marks a new fase in the interaction between child and the virtual World. Intuitively even very young children manage this device. By playing they acquire skills that are important for their future in the 21st century.

For education this creates new challenges as well as new opportunities. The challenges lie in the developments that take place outside and use them in the school, strengthening and complementing them. Remaining relevant in preparing for this new era. The opportunities lie in shaping the school much more to fit the individual talents and capabilities of the child, using the new Technologies, with the same or less cost. At the same time taking care that the school, teachers, students and others involved are better equipped for the further developments in the future.

In order to be able to meet these challenges and make the most of the opportunities, we wish to start a new school. Together with teachers and parents with the same conviction we intend to found schools on the basis of a new direction: “Onderwijs voor een nieuwe tijd” (Education for a new time), o4nt.nl.

The education starts from the talents of the individual student and is organized to develop them to the utmost, and to reinforce their development through co-operation. School and environment (parents, companies, institutions and others)are connected via the community and they enhance the quality of the education. Therefore, parents are active partners in the educational process and play an indispensable role in the organization, the execution and the evaluation of the education. Experiences are widely shared and the environmentis heartily invited to contribute to the education.